nice work, the animation is ok and the sounds are good. I like how you referanced the avatar with the lightining stuff! lol
nice work, the animation is ok and the sounds are good. I like how you referanced the avatar with the lightining stuff! lol
i like the silent hill thing and left 4 dead guy, awesome 10/10 and 5/5
Since this was your first, it was pretty good. It didnt really make too much sense and some of the text came and went too fast, but the animation was ok, and the sound FX were pretty good too. A little something that would help it a little would be background music! But nice job for your first, i just recently made my first flash too :P
Thanks ! I trie to make bg music but it doesn't come out right .
nice animation, i'll give you props because i do fbf too and it takes forever... i dont even use bone tool or anything or tablet... all mouse and fbf... anyways nice job 5/5 and 8/10
I know, that takes some really long time!
That's pretty good, the animation and music and all that is choppy but I think it's pretty funny so that saved you! lol fred!!!
Nice animation, and good sound effects. Now that you know how todo that you should make it longer and give it some background music and some sort of plot. Good work for your first flash. 3/5 and 5/10
thanks for good review^^ now i'm doing my first RHG fight, so it's soon will be ready.
E-Mail me at twisstamation@yahoo.
Joined on 7/27/09